Chandrabani Sewla Kalan, Dehradun

 +91 8881110834, +91 9105000834

About Us

Welcome to Our School

At S.B.N, we believe education should empower children to live a balanced and happy life. We endeavour to build strong character that help students understand and appreciate the right values.

We coach our students to be the best in all they undertake. We thrive on our co-scholastic excellence that builds creativity, innovativeness and developmental aspects of the personality such as life skills, attitude and values, participation and achievement in co-curricular activities as well as health and physical education.

Management Views


    Sbn director image

    India boasts of being a young nation, and to tap the potential of our youth in the right manner is the need of the hour. We at SBN Academy are committed to groom this young pool of talent so that they are transformed into entrepreneur with quality mission. They become job-creators rather than job-hunters. With this dream in mind we sowed a seed in the fertile soil of the luscious landscape of SBN Academy.

    I wish my students all the best!.


    The journey that is laced beautifully with triumphs would not have been possible without you. I thank you parents, in all humility for your generosity in time, talents and resources. Thank you for constantly supporting us in every step we take and reposing your confidence in us. I speak for the entire team of SBN Academy in saying we would not accomplish what we do without your help. I deeply cherish the revered bond we have formed with you over the years. Thank you for entrusting us with the future of your children, for entrusting us to mold and sculpt their minds, enrich their souls and ignite the spark of lifelong learning in them.

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Our Mission

SBN Academy with the three D’s ( Devotion, Duty and Discipline) as their pillars of core values has achieved success and flourished in the last 15 years.

Our Motto

“न ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रम इहा विद्यते ”

“Nothing is more sacred than the education."

Our Vision

We work together for educating student belonging to poor and weaker sections of the society, so that the mission of complete literacy of our society can be achieve.