Chandrabani Sewla Kalan, Dehradun
Our school is also providing day boarding facilities for weak students. it is also very helpful to working parents as well as single Parents. This module is three and half hours after school which contains. Healthy and hygienic lunch after school. Fifteen minutes rest time. Two hours proper and attentive academic classes by specialized subject teacher. One hours sports and hobby class as per taste of students. Drop back to home by school transport.
Our school welcomes the little masters around the country and globe providing a healthy and hygenic accommodation along with fully nutritive balanced and hygenic diet. As per location is surrounded with lush green environment with & highly attractive scenic view.
The need for safe passage of each child to school and back home is of paramount importance to us. To ensure safe travel the school has its own fleet of outsourced school buses designed as per standards and manned by trained drivers and personnel sensitized to the needs of small children. The Transport Service (optional) is operated by the school and a separate transport fee is charged for this. For supervision and monitoring a transport attendant is on board throughout the journey.
In order to keep the children fit in mind and body sports forms an integral part of the school calendar and each child is required to participate in one or more games. Regular matches are conducted between the four houses.
S.B.N has a library within a school where students, and staff have access to a variety of books. The goal of school library is to ensure that all member of the school have equal access to books for reading and learning. A school library uses all types of books and utilizes the books for information gathering.
S.B.N. has set up a well organized computer lab equipped with all necessary paraphernalia for imparting computer software as well as hardware has all the latest software along with operating system which is of immense use for students in modern age. The School also has an internet facility.